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440 Amp 12/24/48 V Wind/Solar Battery Charge Controller
160A Amp Wind/Solar Diversion-Charge Load Controller With Meter
40A Amp Wind/Solar Diversion-Charge Load Controller No Enclosure
50A, 3 Three Phase Turbine Disconnect Switch with Brake
90 Amp, 12V - 1200V Three phase rectifier - (AC to DC). Hoffman NEMA 3R rain tight enclosure.

90 Amp, 3 Phase 1200 Volt Rectifier

EMP Hardened (When properly grounded)

3 Phase AC to DC Rectifier

Works with 12 volt to 1200 volt systems

This unit will handle a massive amount of power. Perfect for medium to large residential and commercial turbines and generators. This AC to DC, three phase rectifier uses six, 30 amp continuous duty (at 90c), 120A surge (per diode) at 1200 volts. The diodes are fully embedded in a electrically non-conductive epoxy/mortar mix. This mortar allows for even heat distribution to the box itself to allow for proper cooling at high amps. A high temperature epoxy is then used to encase the entire assembly of diodes, copper and mortar and bond it securely to the Hoffman outdoor enclosure.The Hoffman Nema 3R, enclosure measures 4.1" wide, by 6.5" high by 4.1" deep. It has 2 knockouts on the bottom for easy access. Has a lockable cover. The unit weighs 5 lbs.The rectifier is capable of running at 90 amps continuous and 720 amps surge at nearly any voltage a wind turbine might produce. A 48v wind turbine will probably produce around 75 volts with a strong to moderate wind.This rectifier at 75 amps would allow more than 5625 watts of power at 75 volts.The rectifier itself uses 6 diodes rated at 50 amps each at 25c. Theoretically, it could handle even more than 90 amps but cooling must be taken into account and is actually the limiting factor. Please see the diode specification sheet below.


A/C power is terminated to the 3 screws in the middle.

Outgoing D/C is provided on the two screws on each side.




Diode Specs (per diode) there are 6 diodes forming a 3 phase bridge.

Drip shield top and smooth seamless sides.
Front Knockouts on bottom.
A slip-on reversible cover is securely fastened with screws located along bottom edge.
No gasket is required for padlocking or meter seal is provided.
ANSI-61 gray polyester powder coated inside and out.

How to compare this three phase rectifier with others:

  • Does it provide the capacity you need?
  • Do they include a convenient method of installation?
  • Will it allow termination of large wire?
  • Is it EMP Hardened?
  • Is the rectifier insulated (lightning proof)?
  • Does the rectifier have adequate heat dissipation?
  • Is the enclosure weather resistant, and rain tight?


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